I got what appeared to be a peppermint shrimp a nearby LFS the other day. To me, the difference between a peppermint and camel shrimp is quite obvious (or at least I believe it to be). The camel shrimp's stripes are much whiter and pronounced. My peppermint shrimp has been in hiding ever since I've gotten him. He comes out every once in a while when I'm feeding and sometimes I see him at night. Today I was sitting next to my tank and he popped his head out over a rock with a mushroom colony on it. He then proceded to pick at one of the mushrooms on the top of the rock! The mushroom began to close up but after a few seconds, the shrimp went back into hiding and the mushroom expanded to its normal size. I'm starting to wonder if it actually is a camel shrimp... it looks like a peppermint and when I go to the stores, I can usually tell the difference between the two but after watching it pick at my coral like that, I'm starting to wonder. I may have also not understood what was happening... what may have looked like the shrimp "picking" at the coral may have been the shrimp cleaning something off of it. Does anyone have a similar experience? I will try to get a picture but the shrimp is usually gone a few seconds after seeing him.