Hey all,

I spent 2+ hours at the Marine Aquarium Expo on Saturday, and here are some initial things to report:

1) Ecotech Marine is coming out with a new lower-output version of their Vortech that will do 100-2000 GPH. The model is called the MP20. Cost will be "under $300".

2) Aqua Illumination will (only?) be selling their LED fixture in 12" lengths. Customers will buy the appropriate number of fixtures for their tank, along with a pair of rails (cut to tank length) that will hold the 12" fixtures width-wise. This provides better spread for the fixtures, and flexibility on fixture placement. A cable system allows the rails to be hung like a pendant.

3) Digital Aquatics demoed their upcoming Reef Keeper Elite system, which was operating - but was not actively monitoring a tank. The biggest news is that they expect to start pre-orders within two weeks, and expect models to be shipping 30 days after the start of pre-orders. The prototypes looked pretty nice, but I see why they consider the prototype plastic "sub-grade". They are waiting for the new enclosures to arrive.

Anyway, those are the big 3 things I gleaned from my brief time at the show. I will fill in some details and post pics tomorrow.

Niters all.
