Looks kind of like a spaghetti worm.
This red thing is growing on the glass in my refugium, and was wondering if anyone could id it.
Looks kind of like a spaghetti worm.
Ray or Raymond
There is no elevator to success in marine tanks. You have to take the stairs.
Raymond's 30 gallon tank
Raymond's 60 gallon tank
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I agree with Raymond, check out the below pic
That's a cool shot Meok.
Ray or Raymond
There is no elevator to success in marine tanks. You have to take the stairs.
Raymond's 30 gallon tank
Raymond's 60 gallon tank
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yeah but M, that also looks similar to sea hare egg spoof
Mine produce the brightest orange threads imaginable, that ironically look almost identical.
Vquilibrium Productions
I found that pic a while back on flickr a while back, it's someone elses but I just thought it was a cool pic. it was labeled as a spagetti worm, but it's not my pic so I can't be sure.
Heres a link to the original page if you want to check it out, Google Image Result for http://farm1.static.flickr.com/221/505021097_7359264edd.jpg
I think it is a cirratulid worm. Here is a thread about them. http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/sn...8960-worm.html
Only disasters happen fast!
Carmie's 54 Corner Tank
Carmie's Cube
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Thanks Carmie, i think you're right.
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