Hey all, I need to get out... I have a JBJ HQI 28g Nano with stand, with nanocustom actinic light kit.. (Unopened), HOB OFB draining to a 15 gallon sump/ref.... I have 2 Two little fishes media containers and a JBJ UV sterilizer and a JBJ 1/15hp Cooler...
2 Tunze pumps plus a Tunze skimmer...
I have plenty of accessories (Test kits, nets, hoses, plumbing fixtures, etc...
Livestock (Subject to change) I have 1 Clown, 1 tile fish, 1 wrasse, and a banded coral shrimp.. purple lobster, emerald crabs, snails, and some corals, and others… (Corals not doing so hot..)

My wife just had our second... and I got my 2nd job.. so absolutely no time for this hobby which we all know is a time consumer... so... unfortunately.. I have to get rid of it all...
I also have a 24 gallon cube with stand up and running with nothing in it but sand and live rock...

It would have to be a NJ pick up only.... asking 1500.00 for everything