nice !! thanks for the write up !!
Acropora Tenuis is a beautiful, albeit "under-appreciated" Stony. It is evenly branched and grows in a cluster form. The most common color variety's are a yellow, cream, or green base with deep blue or rose tips or just completely green.
Lighting Requirements: HIGH.
Metal Halide or maybe high wattage T5 lighting.
Flow requirements : MODERATE TO HIGH
I feel that flow is JUST AS IMPORTANT (maybe more) as lighting when it comes to keeping SPS corals healthy. With this particular coral (or ANY SPS coral for that matter) you want a strong, but indirect flow.
Water Parameters :EXCELLENT / STABLE
Salinity 35 ppt
Calcium 380-450
Alk 2.5-4.5 m/l or 7-12 dkh
Mag 1250-1350
Phosphate <0.03 ppm*
Nitrates <1.0*
* standard hobby test kits will read these numbers as 0. Only kits that detect in the lower ranges will provide you with that kind of accuracy.
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Last edited by mysterybox; 12-05-2009 at 07:42 PM.
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
Lou Holtz
nice !! thanks for the write up !!
lReef lKeeper (Bobby) Admin and Reefer
Water ...
Custom 4x2x1 60 gallon, 40B sump
Equipment ...
6x54w HO T5 fixture, 300+g rated Frankenskimmer, ATO, 3 Media Reactors (1 p04, 1 N03, 1 Carbon)
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Nice write up and beautiful images.
Only disasters happen fast!
Carmie's 54 Corner Tank
Carmie's Cube
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