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Thread: Some wife-swapping going!

  1. #1
    Curious Reefer
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    Some wife-swapping going!

    I have 2 pair of erectus in my seahorse tank, and a nursery tank with some 9 week old fry and some Pixies (or dwarf seahorses). My erectus are named:

    Zack and Zoe and
    Jack and Chloe

    Well, it was Jack and Chloe that were the parents of my current brood of fry. Jack is totally in the "mood" this morning and the only female that will pay any attention to him is Zoe. So that makes Zack jealous, so he's rubbing up to Chloe, who is completely not interested.... which is why Jack is looking elsewhere in the first place..

    But if they keep it up, J and Z will have a successful egg exchange anytime, and I can expect another tank full of fry! Woohoo! My largest Pixie was also poofing his pouch the other day, so you never know.....
    Last edited by carrieincolorado; 01-13-2007 at 05:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Grand Master Reefer JustDavidP's Avatar
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    Sounds like someone is going to be setting up rotifer and brine shrimp cultures soon Neat news. Keep watching and let us know how things are going.

    Where'd you get your Erectus? I'm always looking for good tips.

    Welcome to TR! Enjoy the ride. It's been fun for me.

    ·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>

    "Fins to the left...Fins to the Right, I'm going home to play with my reef tonight..."

    If you're looking for me, and I'm MIA from the board, email me at JustDavidP (at) gmail (dot) com.

    Experience in aquaria, 37 years. Experience in marine, 22+ years. Experience in Reef Keeping, 8 years. Always a newbie!

  3. #3
    Curious Reefer
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    Hi Dave,

    I got my erectus from Ocean Rider. I got my Pixies (12 of them, CB) from another place, I'm trying to remember the name of.... they are based in Florida. One of the Pixies died soon after I got it, I think if old age. They don't live long (sometimes only 6 months) and he was plump and happy but I found him hitched and dead one morning. I already hatch BBS twice a day, so I'm ready! I'm trying to wean my 9 week old erectus... they are resisting.

  4. #4
    Master Reefer saxman's Avatar
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    if you got your CB zots from FL, you undoubtedly got them from Dan and Co. at Seahorse Source.

    good luck with your erectus fry. if you can find the H2O mini mysis, that will help a lot in getting them onto frozen.

  5. #5
    Curious Reefer
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    I've been grating the mysis with a cheese grater first thing in the morning and hope they snick at that some before I add the morning brine. I think it will work, I do have some really skinny ones that I don't think will make it. Plus the fry live with the Pixies, so I'd have to separate them to get the erectus totally weaned. I have a tank that I started the day they were born, so now that they are 9 weeks old, the tank is fully cycled. I think it has a bit too much flow for the size of the fry right now, which is why they still live with the pixies...

  6. #6
    Our Brotha Down Unda
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    Been abit of time, but how did your baby factory go?

    Vquilibrium Productions

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