Ok everybody, I have looked at all the posting for PH problems before posting mine. Everybody seems to be posting about too low of a PH. And my problem is my PH is too high.

I am looking at getting some Sea Chem Acid Buffer to help.

Freshwater Planted Aquarium Water Buffers: Seachem Acid & Alkaline Buffer

Any suggestions, or recommendations on what to use, or do?

Also I have been looking at articles about mixing fresh salt water. Every where I read, says let it sit for 24 to 48 hrs before adding to system. I have not done this, because I thought I was speeding up the process by adding a heater and water
pumps. Would that effect my PH also?

I have a 55 gallon tank, with a 15 gallon refugium, about, it was a 20 gallon tank converted, coral life protein skimmer, auto top off system, and I am using red sea salt mix. But I plan to start using Red Sea Salt Mix Coral Pro

Newegg.com - Red Sea Salt - 175 Gallon Bucket - Using Now
Marine Aquarium Salts for Reef and Saltwater Aquariums: Red Sea Coral Pro Sea Salt - What I am ordering next.