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Thread: Polyp extension key to supplimental feeding of SPS corals

  1. #1
    Grand Master Reefer Amphibious's Avatar
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    Polyp extension key to supplimental feeding of SPS corals

    There are reefers who say they never feed their corals, relying on the photosynthesis action of the algae living in symbiosis with the coral. True enough and it is evident they have some success. But, could we do better? Could our corals do better with supplemental feeding? The answer to that question is yes, or maybe not!

    The explanation goes like this... If the coral's polyps are withdrawn then they are not able to take advantage of the minute particles usually associated with supplemental coral feeding. Keep in mind that a newly established system has no nutrients available and a well established reef system, considered to be at least one year old, has a LOW nutrient level. However, if you can get their polyps OUT they will feed.

    I've been looking for something to get the coral to extend their polyps BEFORE I feed them the supplemental feeds. I have found it!!!


    Acropora species.


    Purple Stylophora.


    Lithophyllon undulatum


    Psammocora sp. (possibly obtusangula)


    Green Stylophora.


    Montipora confusa.

    Continued below...

    Good Luck comes to those who research and prepare.

    Our Talking Reef Forum The Cultured Reef Forum
    My tank journal Amphibious' 135 mixed reef.
    The Cutured Reef toll free number - 888 745-0449

    Amblyeleotris randalli commonly, Randall's Goby.

  2. #2
    Grand Master Reefer Amphibious's Avatar
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    Turbanaria sp. Rarely seen with extended tiny polyps.


    Montipora sp. Season's Greetings. Similar to Chili Pepper.


    Montipora sp. Purple polyped montipora.

    There are many times coral withdraw their polyps. Most reefers simply rely on photosynthesis to grow their coral. That's okay but a better plan, in my experience, is to feed them a variety of proven feeds and to pay attention to polyp extension. That's the time to feed.

    If you can find a way to trigger polyp extension your actions will have much better results. In May of this year we began using Korallen-Zucht's ZEOvit additives with very positive results.

    It works on all corals including SPS, LPS, Zonthids, Palothas, it's safe and benefits all filter feeders.

    At first glance it will seem too expensive for some reefers BUT it is extremely concentrated and a dosages that vary from 1ml per 25 gallons to 1 drop per 25 gallons per day, it is quite cost effective. And EFFICTIVE it is. Our corals have never looked so good.

    Check out their web site - Home -

    Post here or PM me with questions or your experience using the Korallen-Zucht ZEOvit system.

    Thanks for reading this and happy reefing.

    Good Luck comes to those who research and prepare.

    Our Talking Reef Forum The Cultured Reef Forum
    My tank journal Amphibious' 135 mixed reef.
    The Cutured Reef toll free number - 888 745-0449

    Amblyeleotris randalli commonly, Randall's Goby.

  3. #3
    Grand Master Reefer CarmieJo's Avatar
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    Great shots of the corals Dick! I really like the Psammocora.

    Only disasters happen fast!

    Carmie's 54 Corner Tank
    Carmie's Cube

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