How are all of you?

Lori, Pat, Carmie, Ray, Dick, Stefi and everyone else? how is everything hanging?

Who all is still around? I remembered this website after having not been active in a few years and thought I would catch you folks up on what is going on in my neck of the woods. I still have the 54 corner up and running and have recently had a renewed sense of passion for the reefing hobby after letting my tank just run for about a year. It looked ok, but not exactly mind blowing. My girlfriend has also gotten interested in the fish hobby(awesome) and so I just recently started her a tank as well(29 biocube), which is currently in it's cycle phase near the foot of our bed. After tons of research, I built a custom LED light for it, so when I have some more time I will update my 54 build thread and then start another for the 29 biocube.

The two of us have also just adopted a dog (German Shepherd/Labrador Retriever) "Kimbrel" is just over 5 months now and is extremely smart. His parents are a pure bred lab and a pure bred shepherd. The owners thought the lab was fixed, she wasn't, oops! So I adopted this little guy and named him after our sensational rookie closer here in Atlanta. I will say he is a pleasant mix of the two. Lab face, body, color. Shepherd ears, legs, coat. Both parents are 75lbs and according to all the growth charts and formulas that we have been looking at, Kimbrel should be between 80-85lbs we are excited. I can't imagine how he won't end up huge, he eats 5 cups a day now at 37lbs... I'll let that sink in... FIVE cups haha. Honestly, I don't know where he puts it all, he has an athletic build and is in perfect shape according to the vet.

Everyone make sure you update me on your latest...

I will post lots of update pictures tomorrow after work, right now I should be in bed

Goodnight Talking Reef.