Well, the lens came this afternoon and I was able to snap off a few quick pics. Most of them didn't come out, but I was able to get one decent still and a video. One of the reasons I got the D90 was that I wanted the feature that allows you to take videos from the SLR's Live View mode.

Here's the pic:

This pic is focused on one of the tendrils of my Green Sinularia coral. Aperture f2.8. Shutter speed 1/100. ISO800. Focal length about 3"

Here's the movie: Turbo Snail Tongue on Vimeo. (I tried to embed the vimeo movie, but it didn't work. We'll have to go with a link.)
This one was also shot at F2.8 and ISO 800 (not sure if ISO applies in video mode). Focal length's about 1.5-2"

More to come as I figure out this lens.