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    Hi Isaac, Glad you got the Mantis out. They will eventually become a killer in a reef tank, just doing their normal predation to eat. Did you take a picture of him? We like pictures. Algae blooms in reef tanks are common and expected BUT avoidable or minimized if certain rules are followed. Most people, Newbies and experienced alike, make the mistake of adding fish to their reef tank too soon. Fish are the biggest polluters in an aquarium. Their large amount of waste creates the condition for algae blooms. Algae needs only two things to flourish, nutrients and light. We provide the light, our inhabitants create the nutrients. The larger the fish the more pollutant or the smaller the aquarium the more quickly the water becomes polluted. Certain types of filter systems will help alleviate the situation but most aquariums are set up wrong by Newbies because they follow the advice of LFS employees. Not the best place to get advice.
  2. Hi I'm new to the salt water world i have yrs of experience with freshwater and have just started my first salt water reef tank so any help suggestions would be most appreciated thank you.
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About Isaac

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Date of Birth
August 16, 1988 (36)
About Isaac
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Tank Types:
Mixed Reef, Freshwater
5 years fw 1 sw
Where did you find out about TalkingReef:
Looking on google


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09-30-2010 08:39 PM
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