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  1. I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM OTHER'S ABOUT THE POSSIBILITIES OF SUSTAINING MY TANK: (NEW TO HOBBY) have two tanks now that are doing well, I do filter changes every 10 days.
    My corner tank is 45 gallons I have 60 lbs of live rock and a fluval 405 the tank is drilled. I have a Tunze Nano (new) protein skimmer, 9 watt uv sterilizer, 200 watt heater, Konolia #3 and another #1 power head: I know I have alot of fish!!
    FISH: x1 Yellow tang, x1 pair of saddle back clowns, x3 yellow tail damsels, x1Rabbit fish, x2 striped damsels, x1 chocolate chip damsel, 40 blue legged hermets crabs

    My 41 Gallon has a fluval 205 and 55 lbs of live rock, 8 fish x4 striped damsels, x2 chromis, x1 yellow tail damsel, x1 tomato clown, x1 anome, and a few snails. Subariner 5 watt UV sterilizer, seaclone 100 skimmer (not very good) and a nano skimmer (works great) Both have 1.5 in and 3 in of coral sand base and twin 25 watt lighting. Oh yes, a # 3 Konila? power head. The fish like frozen brine shrimp and dried seaweed. All are doing well I'm supprised the yellow tang is 3.5 inches and gets along well with everyone.

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About randodude

Basic Information

About randodude
First Name:
Tank Types:
Mixed Reef, Fish Only
April 2009
Deep River Ont Canada
Where did you find out about TalkingReef:
google search
Equipment & Livestock:
45 Gallon corner with fluval 405, 60 lbs live rock: 9 fish.
41 Gallon, fluval 205, 55 lbs live rock 8 fish


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