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    Hello SaltAddict! I'm Ryan! Nice to meet you.
  2. My tank is also 30" deep - and an L shape. I am hoping to get at least 8 bulbs on each side and hoping this will be adequate lighting. If not then I will have to use MH.

    I am not sure they are producing the Solaris right now due to a law suit - I too would like to have them but I would have to buy 2 units.
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    Well I am dealing with a 30" deep tank and I spoke with a few different people about it and everyone told me I really should go w/ MH's because of the depth. The price point was deff more than I wanted to spend but I think the end result will work best. I didnt want to spend a couple hundred on T5's and not be satisfied. If the tank was more like 24" I rob would have gone T5's. I think eventually I will put 4 T5's in for suplimental lighting. That was I can turn the MH's off and only run them for shorter periods. I think regardless with a 30" deep tank I am stuck throwing alot of light in and will eventually need a chiller regardless. I wish I had 2,400 for some LED's. Those just blow my mind with what you can do with them.
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    good picking it up tomorrow. got a punch list of stuff to go through before I make the big move. Paint my background on the QT tank next. Did you get yours setup? I noticed you mentioned somethig about over driving your T5's. Whats that mean exactly? How much extra wattage can you get out of them?
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    Between work and home life I have and scant time to finish the stand. Too bad, since all I really have to do is apply the oak finish wood around all the borders. I hope to get to it by spring break and my chores move outside. There is much to be done after this hard winter.

    As far as the tank goes, I addedd a fire shrimp this week. he is more reclusive than I expected, especially since he is suppose to perform cleaning services. The Yellow tank stopped by one time when the shrimp was out from his crevice, but otherwise he has been hard to admire given we can rarely see him. Go figure, I have a tank viewable from 3 sides yet I still can't see the darn thing. LOL.

    Thanks for asking.
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    Hi Rhonda I'm doing good and had a great holiday season. I just started school back up today so I'm pretty happy because I was starting to get board sitting at home all day. lol How are you.
  7. Hi - afternoon!

    I changed the pump from a 1200gph mag to a 900gph Ehiem and it is a little better but still not the same.

    How would I throttle it back without having to taste it again??

  8. View Conversation
    Hi Rhonda,

    This is very strange. It is possible you are getting better return flow. Can you throttle down the return line?

    This is funny - "licked it to make sure it tasted like salt!!". You are hilarious!

  9. Wow, sounds as if you are having fun. I ran into some problems after hard plumbing the tank. For some reason the drain is not be able to keep up with pump now, same pump I had before. The only thing I can figure is the return line in the overflow box was the bendable hose and I changed that to pvc and now I am thinking that maybe before there was some restricted flow on the return is why it was okay before.

    Of well, I hack sawed all of the plumbing out and went back with the tubing this morning at 3:30 so I could get some sleep.
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    Rhonda, its going OK. I pent most of my time getting my skimmer going. I just finished it and its ready to go in the sump. My plan is to swap the locations of the return pump and overflow line. I need to build a 4.5" booster seat for the fuge and then need to plumb it it. When I swap the pump location, I'll redo the line and split off of it to feed the fuge. Will try to do it in the next few days.
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About saltaddict
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Tank Types:
Softy Dominated Reef, Fish Only
Murphy, TX
Where did you find out about TalkingReef:
Internet search
Family, remodeling, gardening, reading, my salty babies
SAHM - homeschooler
Equipment & Livestock:
120g reef w/ hippo,yellow tang, pair of clowns, sand goby, softies, several anemones
75g FOWLER has been taken down in prep. for the 170gallon build.
30g currently housing LR wait for 170 build to be


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