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  1. View Conversation
    Hey Buddy, been a very long time.
    You playing the masses again or your other projects still taking up a fair chunk of your time?
    You made my "That fish just stole my Donut" t-shirt yet?
  2. View Conversation
    Hello Rob,
    I found your forum a few days ago and I wanted to thank you personally for all the work you have put in here. I have posted in the forum and started my 1st tank journal as well. Everyone has been very friendly. Folks like Carmie and Dick, etc.
    I mentioned on the forum how your forum feels different...I'd say more personable.The reason I think is because of your podcast. I was jumping around a little, but tonight I have started from the 1st episode from August 2005. I'm up to August 23rd (episode 4) which is my birthday by the way. I am enjoying the shows a lot. Makes midnight shift go by quickly. :-)
    One thing I know you like is questions. Well I have one while I'm here. Is there somewhere on the site that shows a live schedule for the podcast? I hear you answering questions via live chat rooms and phone calls. I might like to get involved sometime.

    Best Regards,
  3. View Conversation
    Hello Rob im Eric new to the site. Downloaded a bunch of the pod casts i am very impressed. Easy listening and lots of very helpful info Keep up the great work.

    P.S. Wish i found this site sooner. was alot of trial and error in the beginning. I never lost a fish though. A few snails and some hermit crabs was all. thanks again
  4. View Conversation
    Hey Rob,

    just a quick congrats on the podcast success. i have almost every episode and they are very informative and detailed, i have learned a great deal from them and the members of tr forum. so THANK YOU and keep up the great work.

  5. View Conversation
    Hello, Rob!

    I'm Ryan! Nice to meet you.
  6. View Conversation
    Hello rob... Thanks again for sending me an e-mail i know its been awhile.. I posted a new tread in general discussions explaining my absence. I am back and hope to be around a little more than i have in the past year now that i have my tank home.... Also i posted a question about fragging a leather coral id like for you to check out and give me your opinion on... Thank you in advanced and for your inquire about my absence.
  7. View Conversation
    Hi Rob,

    Just getting back to Salt water after having kids and having to drain my tank. A lot has changed in the 15 years I have been gone. Your podcasts and forum has been a tremendous help. I am running out of episodes though so I hope more are on the way soon. I am sure it is a lot of work, but it is very much appreciated.

    Thanks Again and hoping you just took the summer off for fun.

    Jay Smith
  8. View Conversation
    thanks for the email, I have been off for a while, had to move, and lost all but two tangs in the move, my matted pair of black saddleback clowns also bit the dust, as well as my corals, I managed to save some but it was to much for me and I have yet to be able to replace any of it due to the lack of funding! anyway, I will see you around..... clownfish4me, aka, joe......
  9. View Conversation
    Hey Rob- It's John. Happy New year! What's new.
  10. View Conversation
    Hello Rob, in your phyto pod cast you were using qt size rubbermaid containers. What are the dimensions, I'm getting rid of the 2 liter bottles and building a new shelf. Thank you for all you do Rob, your a wealth of knowledge.
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About Rob

Basic Information

Date of Birth
May 31, 1980 (44)
About Rob
First Name:
Tank Types:
Mixed Reef, SPS Dominated Reef, Fish Only, Freshwater
Where did you find out about TalkingReef:
Me :)
Marin/reef tanks, astronomy, physics
Systems Engineer
Equipment & Livestock:
100 gallon SPS dominate reef
2x 250w XM 10,000K MH
2x 110w Super actinic VHO
Life-Reef skimmer


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03-18-2011 04:52 AM
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04-18-2022 11:15 AM
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