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20 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Your doing well little dude!
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    46 gallons of that would probably be a lot huh?
  3. View Conversation
    What kind of water do you mix into your tank?
  4. View Conversation
    Sweet! Thanks for the input!
  5. View Conversation
    Haha yeah for real.

    I can't believe I forgot it making a checklist!

    Is the kind important?

    I was just going to get the 90 gallon tub of instant ocean at petsmart.
  6. View Conversation
    I will!
    I can't wait to get my tank up and running!
    Would you mine taking a look at this and telling me if it's everything I need to get up and running?

    I'll go ahead and tell you I forgot the salt.
  7. View Conversation
    It's my first day here, and I ALREADY love the site!

    I've been on it reading and watching podcast 24/7! haha.

    It's how I spend my school time!

    Oh, and I've already noticed how incredibly nice the people are!
  8. View Conversation
    Hello, Ray. It's nice to see another person around my age on TR. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the older people. haha.
  9. View Conversation
    hi Ray, everything is going pretty well here. the move went smoothly and the tank is up and being stocked. cant get pics yet, things are still acclimating right now. i hope to update my thread tomorrow though.
    life has been a little hectic lately, but things are slowing down now, so i will be around more.
  10. View Conversation
    Hows your weekend going for you? Have any special plans for Monday?
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About rayme07

Basic Information

Date of Birth
May 19, 1992 (32)
About rayme07
First Name:
Ray or Raymond
Tank Types:
Mixed Reef, Freshwater
6 years
Bakersfield, Ca
Where did you find out about TalkingReef:
salt & fresh water tanks, Golf, Hunting,fishing,camping,photography, pretty much everything outdoors
High School (Junior)
Equipment & Livestock:
-------10 Gallon nano---------
Open Brain coral (green)
Sun coral
Cup coral
Zoe colony
1 hermit crabs
4 Tiger turbo snails
1 Emerald crab
2 Nassarius Snail's


Ray or Raymond
There is no elevator to success in marine tanks. You have to take the stairs.

Raymond's 30 gallon tank
Raymond's 60 gallon tank

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12-28-2009 10:49 AM
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  • Thanked 46 Times in 44 Posts
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Last Activity
06-21-2015 02:53 PM
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View rayme07's Blog

Recent Entries

Update pictures of my 10 gallon nano

by rayme07 on 03-29-2010 at 03:12 PM

Green Emerald Crab


Green cup coral

pair of ocalaris clowns hosting my green brain coral. My camera does not show the

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Raymond's 10 gallon nano (purple atinics lighting)

by rayme07 on 01-24-2010 at 04:22 PM
Here is some shots of my tank and green brain coral with just the purple atinics on.


Raymond's 10 gallon nano (parameters update)

by rayme07 on 01-24-2010 at 02:39 AM
My parameters are as follows:

Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 20
Nitrite: 0.05
PH: 8.1
Alk: 1.6
Ca: 200

I need to get nitrates down, calcium and alk up and will be doing this till they get to normals. So far my corals are doing fine despite the raise in Nitrates to me this is very weird.

Raymond's 10 gallon nano

by rayme07 on 01-22-2010 at 01:24 AM
01 - 21 - 2010Started nano tank

Well today I got a wild hair and decided to take down my 60 gallon early and set up my 10 gallon nano. As of right now the dust storm has cleared and all my corals are doing ok. I lost my firefish in the move. I have no clue why I have bad luck with firefish but it seems like every time I get one it dies in a month or two. And it also looks like I may have lost a snail but really don't know right now he does not stink. I went ahead and used all

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Raymond's 60 gallon mixed reef tank

by rayme07 on 01-22-2010 at 01:00 AM
03 - 20 - 2009 Started the tank

Hi everyone I would like to say that this is my first tank thread since joining this sight and I am really excited to get it started. First I will like to tell you a little about my past 60 gallon. When I first started out I went the lazy way I didn't get any LR and I got 2 fish a tang and a clown. I was not thinking and being a that I didn't think about a cycle well my tank went on through cycling until I went to my LFS and just about when

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