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    john, good looking out in the "give me free reputation points" thread. im deleting it, but still wanted to say thanks.
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    Hey Jonh just noticed you live in Lakeland. I went to high school in Winter Haven and live in Jax now. My father still lives in Lake Whales. What kind of Goby / Shimp is that in the picture?
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    This Tang gets to 6 or 7 inches and with proper care and diet could be housed in a 75 by an accomplished aquarist. I think you fit that description. But, remember, as it gets to full size it will need larger quarters. A good reason to give the wife an excuse to go to a 180.

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About PhotoJohn

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About PhotoJohn
First Name:
Tank Types:
Mixed Reef
spring 2006
Lakeland, FL
Where did you find out about TalkingReef:
Fish, Fishing, Photography
I am a balloon artist in Orlando FL.
Equipment & Livestock:
46g bowfront, 24g JBJ nanocube, Upgrading to a 75g reef


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05-25-2009 10:25 PM
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11-08-2010 01:09 PM
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75g 10-25-10

by PhotoJohn on 10-25-2010 at 05:33 PM
I had some issues switching salts, I got all those figured out...Lost some corals and my tangs. So long powder brown and kole eye...

My tank has been running well for the last few months and I thought I should post an update.

I just added a baby black and white clown which has befriended my mature b&w. I am hoping I can get some babies out of them in a year or so, that would be a fun adventure.

I also added an angel. It hasnt touched any of my LPS

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Updated 10-27-2010 at 02:54 PM by PhotoJohn

Reef Tank Journals , Tank Journals

The Big Salt Switch

by PhotoJohn on 03-11-2010 at 12:20 AM
I started with IO Reef Crystals years ago and could never get a consistent mix so I switch to Red Sea coral pro when I set up my 75g, I have been looking for something new that might be better so I purchased a bucket of Brightwell reef salt. It certainly smells different from any other salt I have ever used. It mixed up great, good reef levels across the board. I did a 15g water change and within 2-3 days my tang died, and two of my large montipora/chalice corals have RTN taking most of the colonies.

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Helicon Focus 2

by PhotoJohn on 02-17-2010 at 03:58 PM
If you havent read my original post on Helicon Focus visit the link. If you have looked over the post I commend you for your ongoing attention or something like that...

I was unimpressed with my first attempt at a stacked image for DOF (depth of field) using Helicon Focus. The first time is never the best, just ask a married couple. Anyway, I shot the original gambit of images at f2.8, again look at the link if you want to see those shots, giving very little DOF and missing small sections

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Updated 02-18-2010 at 11:03 AM by PhotoJohn

Tank Journals , Reef Tank Journals

Helicon Focus

by PhotoJohn on 02-16-2010 at 05:02 PM
I have been inspired by Gary Parr to try some composite images for extreme depth of field, impossible sharpness for a single shot. He uses Helicon Focus to stack multiple images into a composite single image making everything tack sharp. This is my first attempt. I was using an f stop of 2.8 aka wide open and next time I will try this again with more images and also try it at f5.6, f8, and f11 to see what gives me the best results.

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Updated 02-17-2010 at 04:01 PM by PhotoJohn

Tank Journals , Reef Tank Journals

The 75g returns from hiding

by PhotoJohn on 02-16-2010 at 02:25 AM
The 75 has been running since Nov 16th 2008. You can see the build thread here 75g Money Sink. It is hard to believe it has been over a year.

I have been away from TR and the reef life for a few months and the tank has suffered. The tank was cooking along pretty well but personal havoc claimed a good portion of my corals. I was building a diverse selection of acros and other sps corals but neglect claimed the majority of the sensitive species. The montis and chalice corals have grown

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Updated 02-17-2010 at 04:04 PM by PhotoJohn

Tank Journals , Reef Tank Journals