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  1. View Conversation
    I am sad...I got my yellow tang out of the MDS so I could put the sailfin in, and when I went to catch him, he swam into the carpet anemone....sniff, sniff...that want a carpet? I really appreciate all the help you have given me, hope you have a good x-mas and new year.
  2. View Conversation
    Thanks for the present on Farmville!
  3. View Conversation
    Hi CJ have you been to Reef Keepers i go almost every sunday I like Bill he has helped me so much with my tanks i have got some corals and fish all are healthy and happy thanks for telling me about them DROPED87 DON
  4. View Conversation
    Carmie, I am so sorry about the tang post I had no idea what a mess it was going to cause. Normally everyone gets a long, I would never post anything like that on RC because I know how some of them are but here I thought I could stir some friendly debate but it got carried away quickly. Thank you for settling things down a bit, I guess my name will be mud for a while. It won't happen again.
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    in your opinion is there any treatment i could use in dt ? such as kick ich ? i havent ever needed a qt tank until now (always thinkin it wouldnt happen to me) i dont get my live stock from lfs so i havent really had any problems but only been in sw for over a year and my new babies have a slight case of ich. qt tank will take atleast 4 days for me to get. i have researched some on this forum but value your opinion. thanx
  6. View Conversation
    Hi there CarmieJo - I think I already sent the coupon code to you, but here it is again: FREHOL

    I'm having some bugs in the automatic shopping art at my site, hopefully it will be fixed soon. Just message me if it does not work for you.
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    Sorry to bother ya while your reading threads. But EMERGENCY. I have just found ich in my tank and I haven't set up a HT yet. I am very pressed for time because of my schedule for the next couple days and I want to handle this quick. I have 8 smaller fish that need to go into a Hospital Tank. I need to do this tonight or tomorrow morning. I have a 10 gal. I can get up and running tonight. Is the the 10gal large enough to support the 8 fish while I am treating them for probably the next 4 weeks, I will be doing water changes as needed or do I need a bigger HT???? Thanks for your time

  8. View Conversation
    Just a couple of tablespoons, thats it? Do you think I need other filtration besides the algae scrubber, the canister and my skimmer?
  9. View Conversation
    hopefully that works out for you, sorry to hear about the outsourcing, it happens alot these days. i packed up everything and moved here to vermont just to get a stable job.
  10. View Conversation
    going ok carmie, how are you and yours doing?
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About CarmieJo

Basic Information

Date of Birth
April 10
About CarmieJo
First Name:
Tank Types:
Mixed Reef
Early 80's
Raleigh, NC
Where did you find out about TalkingReef:
Saw it on a forum but don't remember where.
Photography; My tanks!
Transit Planner
Equipment & Livestock:
1) 54 gallon pre-drilled AGA corner tank; Solaris LED fixture; LR; DSB
2) NanoCube 24; stock lighting; LR; SSB



Only disasters happen fast!

Carmie's 54 Corner Tank
Carmie's Cube

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05-04-2014 01:29 AM
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12-15-2018 12:33 AM
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New Light for the Nano!

by CarmieJo on 09-09-2010 at 12:24 AM
I won a Marineland Reef Capable LED fixture at MACNA. (Thanks Dick!) It is just the right size for my nano and I think it looks really nice!


Just Maintaining...

by CarmieJo on 08-15-2010 at 08:50 PM
I am battling cyano in my nano but otherwise everything is just going along steadily.


by CarmieJo on 06-09-2010 at 06:39 PM
SleepPhones Giveaway

My husband is a world class snorer and I use them to listen to my iPod to help me fall asleep.

My Tanks

by CarmieJo on 06-09-2010 at 06:34 PM
I wanted to get my tank journals into a blog.
My 54 Corner
My Nano
Tank Journals