i realy flaked out with the fry . i was trying them with frozen rotifers but this was a mitigating disaster. they have all gone though the adults will eat almost anything, the same canot be said of the fry. so now im learning about raising rotifers so my next attempt , can have more sucsess.
Hi kodocat! I am sitting here giggling about the shop not taking your son back. We kept telling people that we were taking our son back to Sears since you can take anything back to Sears! I'm glad that you were able to save most of the fry. Please let me know how it goes with them.
Hi kodocat! Rob has some new things in the works but I not heard a definite (or even tentative) date yet. I don't think that collecting water from the FROZEN channel sounds like all that much fun. It was around 20C here the end of last week but the high today was only 2C. This time of year our average high temp is probably 10, pretty pleasant considering I grew up 800K or so north of here. Most winters we don't really even get snow. But, if it does snow any amount you are pretty much snowed in unless you live close to a larger road or have 4WD. It doesn't make a lot of sense to have lots of snow removal equipment just sitting around so smaller streets don't get plowed or sanded. We do get ice storms on occasion and then you might as well just stay home. All of the people who have never lived in the north and have 4WD go out and think that they can drive on ice just like on dry pavement because of their 4WD! It doesn't make a lot of sense to have lots of snow removal equipment just sitting around so smaller streets don't get plowed or sanded.