A great place for advice, questions, or anything you want to talk about that doesn't fall into an existing category (below)
If you're new to the hobby, this is the place for you. The only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
If you are having a problem with your saltwater FO or reef tank, post them here
Discussion and questions about nano tanks, anything under 29 gallons will be considered a nano tank
A place to discuss various, treatments, additives, and chemicals
Lets discuss Prodibio, your questions and experiences
discuss various beneficial and nuisance algaes
A place to post your own DIY projects, or ask for information on a project you would like to start.
Place for General non aquarium related topics.
Please keep it clean and appropriate, this forum will be moderated, but limitedly.
Forum will be pruned every 30 days
This is an area for members to post their tank build or modification statuses. If you are setting up a new tank, this is a great place to start and maintain a journal of your progress.
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