Welcome to the The Talkingreef Community.
This forum is for listeners to follow up on questions raised during the podcast
All current and past podcast episodes
Please post questions for the show here. Questions posted here may not be answered right away on the forums, but will be included in a podcast episode
Talkingreef T-shirts, Hats and other apparel.
News and info related to TalkingReef.com
Please ask all questions regarding this site here
Please post all comments and suggestions regarding this website here
This is where you can find and enter various TalkingReef contests
A great place for advice, questions, or anything you want to talk about that doesn't fall into an existing category (below)
If you're new to the hobby, this is the place for you. The only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
If you are having a problem with your saltwater FO or reef tank, post them here
Discussion and questions about nano tanks, anything under 29 gallons will be considered a nano tank
A place to discuss various, treatments, additives, and chemicals
discuss various beneficial and nuisance algaes
A place to post your own DIY projects, or ask for information on a project you would like to start.
Place for General non aquarium related topics.
Please keep it clean and appropriate, this forum will be moderated, but limitedly.
Forum will be pruned every 30 days
This is an area for members to post their tank build or modification statuses. If you are setting up a new tank, this is a great place to start and maintain a journal of your progress.
Questions and discussion regarding soft coral, including identification or husbandry
Questions and discussion regarding large-polyped stony coral, including identification or husbandry
Questions and discussion regarding small-polyped stony coral, including identification or husbandry
Questions and discussion regarding fragging or propagation of your coral
A forum to post pics of corals that need an ID.
This area is for questions, identification, and general husbandry for any type of marine fish not listed below
This area is for questions, identification, and general husbandry for clown fish
This area is for questions, identification, and general husbandry for tangs
This area is for questions, identification, and general husbandry for seahorses and pipe fish
Questions, identification and discussion about marine snails, crabs, and other inverts
Questions, identification and discussion about marine anemones
Questions, identification and discussion about marine clams
Questions, identification and discussion about marine sea stars
Forum for Invert. IDs
Forum for all RO/DI unit information and questions.
Discuss all your lighting questions or information
Discussion for hang on filters, sumps, refugiums, canisters, skimmers, live rock, deep sand beds, fluidized beds, wet/drys, UV, ozone, and any other mechanical, chemical or biological filtration
Discussion for powerheads, pumps, SCWDs, spray bars, wavemakers, or any other device that moves water
Discussion for items like Nilson reactors, calcium reactors, phosphate reactors, or any other type of reactor
Discussion for misc items like synthetic sea salts, air pumps, heaters, PH or ORP probes, test kits, aquariums, glass or acrylic, or anything else that doesn't fall into one of the above topics
General discussion about photography
Discuss camera, lenses, lighting, etc
Start threads to get images of everyones... Can be clams, star fish, tangs, sump.. you pick..
News Feeds from various industry sites and magazines
Article from Reefkeeping.com Check out the current articles and feel free to discuss any of them here
Article from Advancedaquarist.com Check out the current articles and feel free to discuss any of them here
Through a partnership with Frags.ca we are offering Canadian members access to this great trading section
For people willing to trade aquarium related items
If you want to sell aquarium related items post the info here
If you are looking to buy aquarium related items post the "want ad" here
This forum is for online store reviews and is NOT limited to TR sponsors
Information and announcements regarding upcoming major conferences
Post information regarding local club meeting and swap announcements here
A reefing community for people in Oklahoma and surrounding area.
A reefing community for people in Louisville and surrounding area.
Local Hawaii General discussion
Welcome to the Marinelife Aquarium Society of Michigan. A reefing community for people in Michigan
Welcome to the Austin reef club. A reefing community for people in the Austin Texas area
South Africa’s dedicated marine aquarium online community & resource
Welcome to Palouse Reefers, a community for people in SE Washington and N Idaho, including the communities of Pullman, Moscow, Lewiston, Clarkston and everything in between!
A reefing community for the people of Delaware.
A Collection of Various resources for Talkingreef members
A collection of Marine fish and reef related books and reviews
A collection of Marine fish and reef related products and reviews
A collection of hobby How-To's Feel free to add- or browse our articles
A collection of Species info Feel free to add or browse our Species infomation
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Most users ever online was 18,505, 01-06-2025 at 06:28 AM.