The Talkingreef Community FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

How to i access my Talkingreef Web Page

Your web space is access using your own unique URL. once you activate this service you will get a message indicating that URL.

In general that URL will will be your

your user name is: Reeferbob
your URL will be

How do i access/login to my control panel?

your control panel is found at the following address:
where "username" is your talkingreef screen name

username: Reeferbob

once your page is shown you are prompted for three pieces of info

Email address:
domain name: username is YOUR TR username

Why is my Talkingreef webspace slow now?

Keep in mind that your Talkingreef Webspace is on the same server that serves all of the Talkingreef podcasts to the world.

On days when shows are released, or other days of high show download, you will likely notice a slow down in your site, this is normal , and your site will recover when show downloads subside.

If you have specific question, or think you are having other issues, please make a post in the support forum found here:

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