I am thinking its time to get a Clean up crew.....
, 07-09-2010 at 11:44 AM (3663 Views)
Well here it is the 9th and my tank is still stable with:
Temp: 79-80
PH: 8.2
Alk: 5
Nitrites: 0
Nitrate: 2
Calcium: 500
Nitrites seem to be dropping, Calcium and alk should drop to good levels, the diatom bloom is booming hopefully it will run its coarse and clear up soon. Getting ready to order some snails and hermits. put in some cheto in the refugium yesterday, it's a clump about the size of a softball. Got a new top off pump my other one died, and finally got the Phos and Mag tests. did a Phos test haven't tried the mag yet. need to find a solution to the space under the tank.. Its so packed under there with my sump and top off (5gal bucket) I have no room to expand if I were to need additional equipment (calcium reactor, chiller and so on..) thought about redesigning a new stand, but man I don't want to tare that tank down again..Maybe a couple of small cabinets on the each side? hmm will have to play around with some ideas. I really need to expand my Reefkeeper. a few more modules would really help clean up some of the wire spaghetti under there .