Conversation Between FishFinder and CarmieJo

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Carmie,

    With a heavy heart I decided I am going to sell all my fish, coral, tanks, etc. I know you were interested in some frogspawn. I currently have some neon green hammer, some standard blue tip FS, and morp purple and neon green FS. I would to let it all go or you can purchase a single head. Whatever works best for you.

    Let me know if you are still interested in stopping by to see what I got.

    Please let me know if you're still interested. My number is 535-8180.

  2. Hey Dave,

    I have been out of town. Did you already order?
  3. Hi. I am going to be placing an order from BulkReefSupply. I wasn't sure if you needed anything.

    If you can PM the order I'll add it to mine and we'll figure out the shipping.

    Dave - 535-8180
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