Conversation Between bma360 and CarmieJo

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Brent,

    Its no bother! These things always happen at the most inconvenient time! What are the 8 fish?
  2. Carnie,

    Sorry to bother ya while your reading threads. But EMERGENCY. I have just found ich in my tank and I haven't set up a HT yet. I am very pressed for time because of my schedule for the next couple days and I want to handle this quick. I have 8 smaller fish that need to go into a Hospital Tank. I need to do this tonight or tomorrow morning. I have a 10 gal. I can get up and running tonight. Is the the 10gal large enough to support the 8 fish while I am treating them for probably the next 4 weeks, I will be doing water changes as needed or do I need a bigger HT???? Thanks for your time

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