Blog Comments

  1. V's Avatar
    haha, true. Ive only just made an entrance now. But thats why they call them random drive-by's, You never know where i'll strike next

    I'll give you words of wisdom, If it starts with V, ends with V and doesn't move when you poke it with a stick, then its a malfunctioning spiderbot trying to hide from the collective and you shouldn't trust it anyways.

    Glad to see your trates are on the decline. exclusively water changes for awhile yeah, considering you just piffed over half of your export
  2. rayme07's Avatar
    lol that's V for you never there when you actually want him to be.
  3. Small Fry's Avatar
    lol carmie, that's what i was going for

    I was expecting V to have posted some words of wisdom before i even got a chance to say i was kidding
  4. CarmieJo's Avatar
    LOL, I read that list and said "WOW!"
  5. rayme07's Avatar
    Sounds good.
  6. Small Fry's Avatar

    How do you get the link to say something other than the actual URL? I thought it would be just putting w.e in the qoutation marks, but that didn't do anything...

    Just thinking about it now, can't believe i never did before... But let's say i have two 2.5" overflow pipes (don't remember the exact specs) and they both merge into one 2.5" line, that would defeat the purpose of having two wouldn't it??

    Cuz i think that might be the problem i've been having with everything..... Wow.......
  7. Small Fry's Avatar
    Just kidding about all of the livestock additions lol, how many of you were polishing up your "too much too fast" speech... Admit it..........

    There's the link to my old thread... I keep forgetting it...
  8. V's Avatar
    Link to your thread, or a pic bud. If i do it, that means i cant be lazy

    flex tubing can ease back pressures by arcing your flow rather than directing it, however its diameter thats the most logical approach. Can you increase it?, cause clearly your return pump has the ability to over run the system with ease.