Members Tank Journals
While I am still waiting on the cycle to begin I have seen a lot of hitchhikers so far. Here are the ones I was able to identify: Vermetid Snails Brittle stars Asterina (tiny starfish) Bristle worms yellow polyp zoanthids There are some others I have yet to identify and have only gotten a partial glimpse of. There is a small black colored clam on the rock which I have read is fine. I am picking out Asterina stars as I find ...
Yesterday I bought about 10lbs of live (seed) rock and filled the tank. I have about 30lbs of sand and 25lbs of base rock in addition to the live rock. Now that the water has been added I am waiting for the ammonia to rise so I know the cycle has begun. Below are some pictures form the morning after filling (the day of was nothing but cloudy water). Since the pictures were taken the rock on the left side was moved slightly inward to allow for better access to the glass for cleaning. ...