Members Tank Journals - Specific to Reef Tanks
Any advice on what to add in a 12 gallon nano cube? It's got the deluxe lighting. I don't want anything that needs too much more than what the tank already has. I'd love some sun corals, but feeding would be too much of a hassle... for right now... So similar corals are out. I'm hoping for some zoas, pulsing xenia, a little piece of colt and hopefully a few mushrooms. My cousin wants me to take a piece of her frogspawn, but I think it's tentacles will be too big for the tank and might bother ...
Just trying to get pics up now. It's looking good in my opinion. Aha. The first picture, I accidently had the flash on. And the second is a little blurry, because it's not the greatest camera... And my clowns were getting in the way sometimes... Aha. Too cute!
Yesterday, I added an approx. 2" frag of Devil's Hand Leather. It's still settling in, and I moved it a bit today. But the polyps are starting to come out a bit, hopefully in a few days they'll be out fully. Exciting stuff!