Hi I am Pootsnicker. This is my Tank journal....
Temp: 79-80 Ph: 8.1 ALK: 3.5 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate:0 Phosphate:0.05 Calcium:450 Mag:1400 Have been removing as much hair algae as I can every other day, seems to be slowing down. Getting ready to order the rest of the clean up crew this weekend, and will hopefully get my QT tank finished so I can use it.
Temp: 79-80 PH: 8.1 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 ( finally wooo hoooo) Phosphate: 0.05 The Brown Diatom seems to be going away, but the Green Hair Algae is still going crazy... Turned my lights to only on for 8 hrs a day in the display tank, scrapped some of it off the rocks and glass need to do more. waiting to see if I can get this under control before ordering the rest of my clean up crew but will prob go ahead with the order next weekend. ...
Temp: 79-80 Ph: 8.1 Nitrites:0 Nitrates:0 Ammonia:0 Phosphates:0.05 got 5 blue leg Hermits, 5 small snails (Nert I believe), and one large snail they called a Horse Conch. all seem to be doing good if all is good in a couple of weeks will be getting the rest which will be 20 more hermits, 20 turbo snails, and a shrimp of some kind haven't decided yet.
Well here it is the 9th and my tank is still stable with: Temp: 79-80 PH: 8.2 Alk: 5 Ammonia:0 Nitrites: 0 Nitrate: 2 Phosphates:0 Calcium: 500 Nitrites seem to be dropping, Calcium and alk should drop to good levels, the diatom bloom is booming hopefully it will run its coarse and clear up soon. Getting ready to order some snails and hermits. put in some cheto in the refugium yesterday, it's a clump about the size of ...
Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 5 PH: 8.2 Salinity: 35ppm calcium: 450ppm Alk: 5 Temp: 79-80 Still no big Change in levels. have ordered a Mag and Phosphate test should be here in a couple of days. seeing a lot of algae growth. gonna need a clean up crew here pretty soon or this algae is gonna go nuts.