Yeah i did it again, started a new tank not even 3 months after i started my last tank, which i took down, I was able to connect it to my current 75gal tank a started at the joining of this site.Anyhows Cant wait to show/explain what i got cooked up this time!! My addintional tank is 90gal tri-drilled reef tank. With the stand it is excatlly the same hight as my current set-up, but the tank itself is a little deeper. For this tank im trying to go bottomless, as in no sand bed, i say trying because ...
(THIS BLOG IS A REMAKE) Hey Everyone, So Going along with the TRJ i also decided to start a new tank, lol For this tank I'm going to Create the opposite of my 76 gal FOWLR, which i belive is called a "reef tank" or "fishless tank" My new tank is quite a bit smaller its abought a 28 gal. (L=30,W=12,H=18) I bought a CORALIFE DELUXE - Double Linerar Strip w/ 2x 65 watt 50/50 straight pin flo lamps (see pics) This ...
Updated 01-25-2010 at 09:50 PM by IRocky IFraser