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  1. 29G Biocube

    As per SaltyDawgs request I got some photos taken and figured I'd start a blog.

    All these pictures have been taken in the last few days.

    Photo from the front.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_3552.jpg 
Views:	70 
Size:	243.0 KB 
ID:	5106
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_3553.jpg 
Views:	75 
Size:	245.5 KB 
ID:	5107
    chunks of LR in the back.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_3550.jpg 
Views:	69 
Size:	247.5 KB 
ID:	5108
    What I believe to be Kenya tree coral
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2011-09-08 17.17.40.jpg 
Views:	73 
Size:	235.2 KB 
ID:	5110
    Im hoping these guys are bristle worms and not fire worms. Ive seen a ton of these ...
  2. Calcium Reactor & Kwalkwasser

    I have a 210 Gallon tank, mostly soft corals, but am getting some LPS to grow.
    I am running a 818 GEO Calcium Reactor. I also have a 75 gallon sump.
    Just did a water test, everything was either at 0, or right on the number.
    Only test that I couldn't do, was a Magnesium test, I don't have one, was told that you really don't have to test for that,
    when everything else is doing fine.

    So, here is the question,
    I know a guy that runs a Coral shop, he ...
  3. 75g 10-25-10

    I had some issues switching salts, I got all those figured out...Lost some corals and my tangs. So long powder brown and kole eye...

    My tank has been running well for the last few months and I thought I should post an update.

    I just added a baby black and white clown which has befriended my mature b&w. I am hoping I can get some babies out of them in a year or so, that would be a fun adventure.

    I also added an angel. It hasnt touched any of my LPS ...

    Updated 10-27-2010 at 02:54 PM by PhotoJohn

    Tank Journals , Reef Tank Journals
  4. My accidental addiction

    Let me start with a little history. I've been keeping FW fish, predominantly African Cichlids for about 20 years... African Cichlids are tough as nails, so I've probably developed some disgusting habits. My daughter has been a fish fanatic since she could lift her head, so her first tank was set up when she was only about a month old. I set up a community, planted tank for her room, and spent most weekends watching her reaction to different fish in my various LFS's. She always got more bubbly around ...
    Tank Journals
  5. July 21 2010

    Temp: 79-80
    Ph: 8.1
    ALK: 3.5
    Ammonia: 0
    Nitrite: 0

    Have been removing as much hair algae as I can every other day, seems to be slowing down. Getting ready to order the rest of the clean up crew this weekend, and will hopefully get my QT tank finished so I can use it.
    Tank Journals
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