Originally Posted by lReef lKeeper Acropora Hyacinthus Acropora Hyacinthus is a VERY difficult coral to keep happy. It will require excellent water quality and flow to maintain its health in captivity. Like other Tabling Acros, the flow pattern and direction will dictate the growth pattern. Lighting requirements : Very High/Intense Lighting I personally do not believe that anything ...
Updated 01-24-2010 at 08:03 PM by lReef lKeeper
Originally Posted by lReef lKeeper Acanthastrea Species (Aussie and Non) In my experience with Acans, they are far less demanding that any SPS coral in my system. They do not require intense lighting, insane amounts of water flow, or perfect water parameters. They are also some of my most prized possessions in my system, because of the insane color variations (mine are all Aussie Acans, but even the non Aussie's have crazy color morphs available to us. ...
Originally Posted by lReef lKeeper How to prepare for vacation in this hobby ... by lReef lKeeper This article is going to, hopefully, help everyone in this hobby to actually be able to take a relaxing vacation. Everyone knows that if you are in the marine aquarium hobby, well ... there is no such thing as a relaxing vacation. Why ?? We all have way to much time and dedication in our tanks (not to mention the money we have spent on them) !! When we have to have someone else take care of something that we are so passionate ...
Updated 01-24-2010 at 08:07 PM by lReef lKeeper
i have taken the "main" posts from my build thread, and combined them by date for use in the new blog feature of the site. 4/24/09 as many of you know, i took a break from the hobby due to reasons that i would rather not get into details about. lets just say that things were not going great in my life at the time and i could not take care of my tank the way that i was accustomed to, so i had to let it go. sure, it broke my heart, but it had to be done. WELL, ...
Updated 01-24-2010 at 08:21 PM by lReef lKeeper