Well, i've had the chaeto in my system for about two weeks now, and have been overskimming and doing water changes like mad. I am now happy to report that my nitrates went from 20ppm to 5 I did spot some aptasia in the chaeto that i was given, so i ended up throwing about 60% of it out... In hindsight, i should have FW dipped it when i got it (but i wanted the critters from it in my tank :s), or i should have FW dipped it once i noticed the aptasia and then put it back ...
Welcome guys The recap & future continuation thread, namely since the members threads are expected to migrate into the personal blog zone. From the beginining thread Link Work in progress....
Welcome guys The recap & future continuation thread, namely since the members threads are expected to migrate into the personal blog zone. From the beginining thread Link Or, you can skim with me whilst i bring you the summery version to date. Work in Progress.......
So since I screwed up on the first one and could not figure out how to fix it here goes the second try. Well finally the time has arrived that I get to start my tank build. It has been a long time coming and I am so eager to get started again. So to start I will have a 90 gallon reef tank filtered by an ATS, and hopefully it is the only filter that I will need. But, if not I have my protein skimmers standing by. Also I have my sump under the DT which the ATS will be perched on top ...
(THIS BLOG IS A REMAKE) Hey Everyone, So Going along with the TRJ i also decided to start a new tank, lol For this tank I'm going to Create the opposite of my 76 gal FOWLR, which i belive is called a "reef tank" or "fishless tank" My new tank is quite a bit smaller its abought a 28 gal. (L=30,W=12,H=18) I bought a CORALIFE DELUXE - Double Linerar Strip w/ 2x 65 watt 50/50 straight pin flo lamps (see pics) This ...
Updated 01-25-2010 at 09:50 PM by IRocky IFraser