Members DIY Projects
Okay, Kinda got one already. Some of this is the same as my intro, but I will continue to update this as we get it going. Let me introduce myself and my family. We live in Santa Barbara, CA, and our family includes myself and girlfriend, as well as my 2 children, my son is 9 and my daughter is 3. Although we are renting our home, we rent from family, so we should be okay to make some of the modifications and cabinetry that we are planning, as long as we are able to repair and replace, ...
Updated 07-27-2010 at 01:42 PM by ryancmatchett (Update - July 2010)
Hi all I am doing research for my first saltwater reef aquarium. I have had fresh water aquariums in the past. 1 community tank (55 gal.). One African Cichlid tank (29 gal (? we bought it used)). And a planted aquarium (10 gal.). I am currently doing research for when we move to a new house (Lord willing) for coral in my tank. The old freshwater community tank will hopefully be my Display tank, with the 29gal. as my refugium (/ sump? it will have skimmer in it and a slow flow with algae in it to ...
Test Fitting Stage This is always the fun part. Admittedly its hard to do, cause you need the scientific approach & special order tape to bind it up & hope like #$^& it doesn't come Nice to see i haven't lost my sense of humour. The ground wasn't fully level at the time, however this is just a dry fit to see spacing, fitments & tolerances. Standard procedure. ...
Updated 03-07-2010 at 01:39 PM by V
A bit of Prototype building behind the scenes. Namely only cause i love you guys & if you can build one better than me, then i say the world is better for it. But watch out if you do jump in that ring, you will only feed my rivalling nature to increase the bar. What you see before you is my very own version for the mangrove jack display. Its a perfect way to iron any bugs by adapting it for pretty hardcore testing. Granted.....Its massive, well over 31 inches ...
Updated 03-07-2010 at 01:27 PM by V
Please note, this is a registered copyrighted product. Any unlawful reproduction will cause me to fly to your house & B^tch slap you with your own shoes. lol ,ok, so now that we got that BS disclaimer out the way, on to the unavailing shall we.... Its been along time coming! The countdown to completion is at hand. **Cue Music** Welcome to the next generation of powering systems.. The ingredients are simple, ...
Updated 03-07-2010 at 12:49 PM by V