View Full Version : Orange Sun Coral (Tubastrea faulkneri)

06-14-2010, 07:53 AM
My LPS has one for sale but I don't think that they have looked into how to properly take care of it. It hasn't been out for over a week that they have seen and they have it sitting under direct and intense lighting. Though this does not appear to be hurting it visibly yet. I have a great cave spot in my tank for it but I worry about purchasing it when it is under so much stress for so long. Are they hardy enough? and if it starts to fail is there a way to frag it? It is about a 4" specimen half oronge half yellow

lReef lKeeper
06-14-2010, 11:37 AM
if they havent been taken care of, i would usually have to advise to steer clear of them. HOWEVER, i have 2 Australian sun corals that come out all the time and have been properly fed since i acquired them 3 months ago and they look great. they can be yours for $30 plus shipping.

06-14-2010, 04:23 PM
can u ship them to Canada

06-14-2010, 09:01 PM
The bright light doesn't hurt sun corals but they must be fed! For best success every polyp should be fed every time you feed them. If Bobby can't ship to Canada (you couldn't get better corals) ask the LFS to put some fish mush in their vicinity and see if they come out to eat.

lReef lKeeper
06-15-2010, 02:37 PM
unfortunately ... its illegal (id have to try to sneak them through) for me to ship them to canada on our FedEx account. customs and all that good stuff ... sorry.

06-15-2010, 08:46 PM
yes what a pain a line drawn on a map