View Full Version : Additives and Chemicals

  1. Cnobacteria
  2. Dosing of Chemicals in a Tank...
  3. Marine Aquarium Conference of North America
  4. Corraline (sp) Algae
  5. Using AZ-N03 to get rid of Nitrate
  6. What supplements, additives, etc?
  7. Related Podcast Episodes
  8. RO water and chemicals
  9. Following are my Test Results
  10. The Balling Method
  11. magnesium test?
  12. Chemi-Pure
  13. Iodine treatment
  14. funky magnesium instructions
  15. Attack of the killer Cyano!
  16. Purple Up Coraline Algae Accelerator Questions.
  17. Kalkwasser Dosage Inquiry?
  18. Is too much Calcium additive a bad thing?
  19. Calcium Usage By Snails & Hermits.
  20. Alkalinity Levels, Were Are Yours?
  21. GH, KH and pH
  22. Stress reducers
  23. Does Purple Up Have a Seal Inquiry.
  24. Will the Poly Filter Media Remove Copper?
  25. Liquid bacteria to boost cycling
  26. Immune system enhancements: snake oil?
  27. got my additives
  28. Test Kit Advice
  29. Kalk and Alk
  30. activated carbon
  31. 2-part additive question
  32. Water change prep
  33. rising ammonia despite water change
  34. limewater or calcium reactor
  35. Magnesium?
  36. nitrates finally reached 0
  37. Additives & Water Changes??
  38. homemade calcium and magnesium
  39. high nitrates
  40. pH buffer precipitation?
  41. Copper in Trace Elements Product
  42. DKH vs Meq/L
  43. Iron dosing
  44. Combisan, anyone use it? is it any good?
  45. alk
  46. JeffDubya's Chemistry 101...
  47. Kent Marine Liquid Calcium
  48. Dosing requirements
  49. salifert strontium test
  50. Adding Chalk to my tank as a calcium additive?
  51. test kit recommendation
  52. Buckets of Salt on Sale!!!
  53. Active Media Filter Balls
  54. Cuprisorb and loss of trace elements
  55. calcium and magnesium additive advice
  56. What do you use to dose ca & alk
  57. Help running Carbon!?
  58. liquid calcium questions
  59. NH3 and Nitrite removers
  60. Calcium Reactor
  61. Homebrew pH Buffer... and more
  62. help get melafix out of tank
  63. Cycling Tank with Chemi-Pure
  64. Phosphate/Carbon reactors
  65. Which Liquid Test Kits Are Most Accurate?
  66. garlic soak
  67. QT Salinity
  68. Supplement "GamePlan"
  69. Cyclop-Eeze
  70. Question on using Phosban and reactor for the first time
  71. Kalk mixing
  72. magnesium
  73. newbie dosing
  74. calcium product
  75. little help
  76. Nutri-Seawater
  77. whos good with magnesium testing?
  78. Which test kit should I purchase?
  79. Garlic
  80. Kalkwasser and dripping?
  81. dosing by hand
  82. Raising Calcium
  83. Kalk & vinegar question
  84. Salifert KH/Alk Instructions
  85. What brands of coral food do people recommend?
  86. Catalina Saltwater
  87. Searching for a Quality & Reliable Nitrate Liquid Test Kit.
  88. Searching for a Quality & Reliable Calcium Liquid Test Kit.
  89. test kit, sponsors?
  90. Marine snow
  91. Possible silly question about accidental spills
  92. Marc Weiss additives, any thoughts?
  93. Does Anyone Know Why This Happens When I Add 2 Part Calcium.
  94. Reading Chemical Test
  95. raising alk
  96. phosban
  97. refractometer reading
  98. Joes Juice
  99. Polyp Lab Reefresh system
  100. Shelf Life of Kent Food Additives
  101. Amquel plus
  102. Dosing?? Calcium, Alk, Mag
  103. What to dose?
  104. What to do?
  105. calcium/alk/buffer same day?
  106. Need Recomendation for Magnesium Additive.
  107. b ionic and mag
  108. Carbon Reactor... Phosban?
  109. Oceans Blend
  110. Interceptor ??
  111. garf grunge
  112. what chemicals to use
  113. carbon additions....vodka, sugar etc...
  114. Relationships between tank peramiters
  115. Kalkwasser in FOWLR
  116. Coral Vital?
  117. B-ionic 2 part
  118. Dosing Mag & Calcium
  119. Well Water Questions
  120. pH issues
  121. Skin contamination
  122. zoo plankton
  123. how much oceans blend calcium is ok at a time?
  124. combo vital black powder
  125. Vodka, am I missing something? why is that not on here? lol!
  126. fluval clearmax
  127. Flatworm genecide
  128. Combo Vital
  129. PhosGuard
  130. Vodka method
  131. Eco Bak
  132. PH Issues
  133. Coral Pro Salt